Basic Structure of all Coursework Essays

A basic coursework essay consists of a thesis statement, introduction, body paragraphs and a conclusion. The essay topic will vary depending on the courses you are taking. Some of them may be shorter or longer depending on what the essay entails.You can always ask for the help of professional essay writing services to help you with the structure of your essay

Introduction and Topic

The introduction is where you will catch the reader (or instructor's) attention. It should start off with a hook that sparks curiosity and interest. The topic or the thesis statement will cover the purpose of your essay. It is the basis off of which you are writing. Within the introduction highlight what you will be talking about and include interesting facts that would make the audience continue reading.

The topic is most important. It will determine how much information you need to cover. Choose a subject that isn't too broad or too narrow. If it's a large topic it will be difficult to fit all of the necessary information into the essay. If it's too narrow you may not have enough sources to take information from (being that you will need facts in many essay styles.)

The Body Paragraphs

How many body paragraphs you have depends on the instructor's requirements. If you have more pages to write then you'd be safer going with a broad topic. If there is a maximum of five paragraphs, choose what supporting information you acknowledge wisely. Each paragraph should state something that is in support of your topic. They should also be ordered in a way that makes sense to the readers. If it pertains to an event, the details should always be sequential. Remember that conveying your ideas to the audience clearly can make or break your paper.

The most important points that you make should be in the first and last body paragraph. This will keep the reader entertained throughout the essay, even near the end where many students make the mistake of losing enthusiasm in their writing. It's important to keep the momentum going throughout. It will strengthen your essay, your argument and make it easier to organize the content. Also, remember to highlight any opposing views if there are any – especially in an essay where you are proving a point. It's necessary to talk about those who would disagree with your statement and continue to prove them wrong with the evidence you've researched.

The Conclusion

The conclusion of a coursework essay tends to be overlooked by many who presume that it is only a closing paragraph. It's essential that it reflects on what was covered in the essay (not including the details.) Reflect on the point you are making and do so in a way that makes for a great closing paragraph. You won't want to leave the readers confused and questioning what you had just written. The audience should finish the essay and feel as if they either learned something new or gained new insight on an issue. As you receive a higher education, you are likely to use new college level essay writing formats. Once you start to complete the assignments you get the hang of the structure and writing requirements.