Finding free essay writing courses

If you’re not one of those natural-born writing types who jumps at the chance to pontificate for pages in a class essay, you may have struggled with making the grade when it comes to producing clear copy that gets the point across.

Further, you may have despaired of ever finding a way to do get better at it. Fortunately, this is definitely not the case, as there are a myriad of ways to improve your writing skills and become a good enough writer to at least pass your English classes and get your degree.

Of course, if you’re a high school or college student, you probably are not exactly rolling around in stacks of $100 bills. And that means that when it comes to writing courses, your pockets are especially thin.

That’s why the internet offers a wealth of free essay writing courses. The problem is finding them. But even that becomes a simple task if you understand who these courses are targeted to, and what it is they offer.

Many universities offer free essay-writing help, in the form of both references and exercises. In fact, one of the best places to start may be at your own university. Check out the college writing center (if you’re in college, of course—if not, stay tuned). They often staff excellent student writers, paid by the college, who can help you draft your school essay, or improve on one you’ve already written.

These students are normally helpful, and can give you more help than you’d ever need in making your essay perfect.

But what if you’re not in college. Well, there’s hope for you, too.

Try a quick internet search, and see what you find. You’ll often be surprised at the results. There are at least 10 universities that offer free writing courses online, featuring videos with a professor, and tests you can take to ensure you’ve absorbed all the material you’ll need. These courses are cursory, of course, but they cover the basics of what you’ll need to make your writing better, even if you require additional practice afterwards.

Practice makes perfect, and that means that the best writing course is simply to write a lot. Keep practicing, and perfecting your skills (and reading articles like this one), and the time may come in the very near future when you’re teaching the writing course, rather than looking for a good and cheap way to improve your writing.